We offer a unique collection of non-surgical procedures to remove pain.
Dr. Haigney
Dr. Haigney is a Board-Certified Chiropractor with 30+ years of experience. He is also a Board certified and Licensed Acupuncturist. He has a Diplomat in Chiropractic Neurology. He has treated thousands of patients in his Montclair location. Dr. Haigney knows that the spinal lesion is often the generator of many pain syndromes and removing that lesion is very Important. However long years of experience has shown him that this is simply not enough. This is where acupuncture fits in. Acupuncture is pure neurology; through the use of very fine sterilized needles we are able to modulate the nervous system to create a change in the pain signals. We use spinal decompression and trigger point needling to speed up the process.

Neck pain
Degenerative Arthritis
Shoulder Pain
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
...and a variety of stress disorders